COVID-Safe Practices at Boali Lodge – Winter 2020

When you stay at Boali Lodge this winter things will be a little different to what you are used to. We are implementing a range of important practices to ensure we meet COVID-Safe requirements.

Boali Lodge is taking social distancing, hygiene measures and visitor screening very seriously. We have increased our cleaning and sanitising procedures to ensure the health and comfort of our guests.

By arriving at the lodge, we ask all our guests declare the following:

“With the current global COVID-19 crisis, by arriving at the lodge you declare that you have not returned from overseas or been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or are suffering from cold & flu symptoms.”


Arriving at the lodge

  • Due to cleaning procedures, guests are not permitted to enter the lodge earlier than 2pm.
  • On first entering the lodge, whether via the reception entry or ski entry, please immediately sanitise your hands.
  • Please ensure you have sanitised your hands before using the luggage lift on all levels.
  • Guest rooms have been equipped with hand sanitiser and a 2 in 1 detergent and lemon bleach disinfectant and cleaning product and a microfibre cloth for you to make use of during your stay. Please do not remove these from your room.
  • Common areas have been equipped with the same cleaning product and paper towel for your use also.

Meal times

  • Please sanitise your hands before entering the dining room.
  • Please follow social distancing requirements as indicated.
  • For all meals you will be allocated a table and time. There will be two sittings for all meals.
  • Family groups will eat together and there will not be a separate children’s evening meal time.
  • This winter, dinner will be 2 courses – main and dessert.
  • To meet social distancing requirements, we ask that you nominate one person from your group to collect meals from the serving pass and to clear the table.

First sitting:

Breakfast:                     7.15am – 7.45am

Lunch:                         12.30pm – 1.00pm

Dinner:                         6.00pm – 7.00pm

Second sitting:

Breakfast:                     8.00am – 8.30am

Lunch:                          1.15pm – 1.45pm

Dinner:                         7.15pm – 8.15pm


Communal areas

  • Please sanitise your hands before entering any communal area.
  • Please be mindful of social distancing by ‘giving way’ in stairwells and corridors.
  • The total number of guests allowed in the lounge at any time is 18, appropriately socially distanced.
  • There will be no books, games or magazines provided so please bring your own.
  • The total number of guests allowed in the playroom at any time is 7, appropriately socially distanced.
  • We request that children under 15 years be supervised. Please ensure the play area/movie room is respected and tidied after play time.
  • If you are a family group, you may have been asked to use the playroom for your whole family. Please abide by this request, no other children can use the playroom at this time.
  • There will be no toys in the playroom, so we ask parents to bring what your children need and make sure toys are not shared with others.
  • The total number of guests allowed in the adult tv room at any time is 3, appropriately socially distanced.

Sauna/Managers corridor

  • The sauna is closed this season. The Managers corridor will be closed and there will be no access to level 2 bathroom for guests.

Event of illness

  • Any guest at the lodge who becomes unwell and is showing signs/symptoms consistent with coronavirus, are required to notify the managers and immediately self-isolate. Family members will be encouraged to isolate too. As soon as it is practical, you and your family should return home and seek medical attention, even if this means leaving Boali during your booked stay.


  • To allow staff time to change over rooms and deep clean all the common areas as required by the COVID-safe plan, once you check out at 9:30am you cannot re-enter the lodge.
  • Unfortunately, lunch will not be provided on check out day –sorry!


Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience!

If you have any queries please contact us on 02 64 576 064 or 0474 240 447.



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